My first shot at a pure CSS design layout. It made me really appreciate Flash and only doing things once. The layout is pretty traditional; news and menu to the left, content to the right. All classes have meaningful names and should be pretty easy to change. If you want a clean version, go here. This template also includes a layout for print media that looks like so.

This template is a pure CSS layout. It validates successfully with as XHTML 1.0 Strict. Since it's tableless, and the element/font sizes are defined relatively, it gracefully increases/decreases in size for different resolutions and text sizes (I designed it at 1280x1024 so I still think it looks best there at normal font size). It renders consistently in:
There's no way I would've finished this without all the code examples on OWD. Much appreciated for helping me figure out how to get this template to work in IE. Also thanks to Eric for the example pic I mangled to the right.
Once I finish my own site, I think my next template will be for spring. It's been a looooong winter and I need to see other colours outside besides white and grey. That, and I'm tired of the cold and it's discgolf time. If you have any comments or questions, feel free to send them my way.